Source code for esis.db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Database related tools."""
import logging

from datetime import datetime

import dateutil.parser

from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.exc import (
from sqlalchemy.types import (

from esis.util import datetime_to_timestamp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Database(object): """Generic database object. :param db_filename: Path to the sqlite database file :type db_filename: str """ def __init__(self, db_filename): """Connect to database and create session object.""" self.db_filename = db_filename self.engine = create_engine( 'sqlite:///{}'.format(db_filename), ) self.connection = None self.metadata = MetaData(bind=self.engine)
[docs] def connect(self): """Create connection.""" logger.debug('Connecting to SQLite database: %r', self.db_filename) self.connection = self.engine.connect()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Close connection.""" assert not self.connection.closed logger.debug( 'Disconnecting from SQLite database: %r', self.db_filename) self.connection.close()
def __enter__(self): """Connect on entering context.""" self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Disconnect on exiting context.""" self.disconnect() def __getitem__(self, table_name): """Get table object in database. :param table_name: Name of the table :type table_name: str :return: Table object that can be used in queries :rtype: sqlalchemy.schema.Table """ if not isinstance(table_name, basestring): raise TypeError('Unexpected table name: {}'.format(table_name)) table = self.metadata.tables.get(table_name) if table is None: self.reflect([table_name]) table = Table(table_name, self.metadata, autoload=True) return table
[docs] def reflect(self, table_names): """Get table metadata through reflection. sqlalchemy already provides a reflect method, but it will stop at the first failure, while this method will try to get as much as possible. :param table_names: Table names to inspect :type table_names: list(str) """ inspector = inspect(self.engine) for table_name in table_names: columns = [] for column_data in inspector.get_columns(table_name): # Rename 'type' to 'type_' to create column object column_type = column_data.pop('type', None) column_data['type_'] = column_type columns.append(Column(**column_data)) if not columns: raise NoSuchTableError(table_name) Table(table_name, self.metadata, *columns)
[docs] def run_quick_check(self): """Check database integrity. Some files, especially those files created after carving, might not contain completely valid data. """ try: result = self.connection.execute('PRAGMA quick_check;') except DatabaseError: return False passed = result.fetchone()[0] == 'ok' if not passed: logger.warning('Integrity check failure: %r', self.db_filename) return passed
[docs]class DBReader(object): """Iterate through all db tables and rows easily. :param database: Database to traverse :type database: esis.db.Database """ # Name suffixes for the shadow tables that support full text search FTS_SUFFIXES = ( 'content', 'segdir', 'segments', 'stat', 'docsize', ) def __init__(self, database): """Connect to database and get table metadata.""" self.database = database master_table = database['sqlite_master'] query = ( select([]) .where(master_table.c.type == 'table') ) result = database.connection.execute(query) all_table_names = set(row[0] for row in result.fetchall()) ignored_table_names = ['sqlite_master'] sequence_table_name = 'sqlite_sequence' if sequence_table_name in all_table_names: ignored_table_names.append(sequence_table_name) fts_table_names = self._get_fts_table_names(all_table_names) ignored_table_names.extend(fts_table_names) logger.debug( '%d tables ignored: %r', len(ignored_table_names), ', '.join(sorted(ignored_table_names))) ignored_table_names = set(ignored_table_names) table_names = all_table_names - ignored_table_names self.db_tables = [ database[table_name] for table_name in table_names ]'%d tables found', len(self.db_tables)) def _get_fts_table_names(self, all_table_names): """Get a list of FTS-related table names. :param all_table_names: The names for all tables in the database :type all_table_names: set(str) """ master_table = self.database['sqlite_master'] query = ( select([]) .where('%USING fts%')) ) result = self.database.connection.execute(query) fts_table_names = [row[0] for row in result.fetchall()] shadow_table_names = [] for fts_table_name in fts_table_names: for suffix in self.FTS_SUFFIXES: shadow_table_name = '{}_{}'.format(fts_table_name, suffix) if shadow_table_name in all_table_names: shadow_table_names.append(shadow_table_name) return fts_table_names + shadow_table_names
[docs] def tables(self): """Generator that traverses all tables in a database. :return: Table name :rtype: str """ for index, table in enumerate(self.db_tables): '(%d/%d) Traversing %r...', index + 1, len(self.db_tables), yield
[docs]class IntegerDecorator(TypeDecorator): """An integer class that translates 'null' values to None. This is needed because some tables use 'null' instead of NULL and elastic search fails to index documents with strings where integers should be found. """ impl = INTEGER
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, _dialect): """Translate 'null' to None if needed.""" if value == 'null' or value is None: return None if isinstance(value, basestring): # Convert strings with only digits to integers if value.isdigit(): return int(value) try: # Try to parse date as return timestamp value_dt = dateutil.parser.parse(value) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError): # Ignore parsing errors and log warning below pass else: value = int(datetime_to_timestamp(value_dt)) # Return None by default if value cannot be parsed as integer if not isinstance(value, (int, long)): logger.warning('Invalid integer value: %s', value) return None return value
[docs]class DatetimeDecorator(TypeDecorator): """A datetime class that translates data to ISO strings. The reason ISO strings are used instead of datetime objects or integer timestamps is because is what elasticsearch handles as a datetime value. Internally it seems to store it as an integer timestamp, but that's transparent to the user. """ impl = TEXT
[docs] def process_result_value(self, value, _dialect): """Translate datetime/timestamp to ISO string.""" # Keep a copy of the original value just in case it's needed to log a # warning later original_value = value if isinstance(value, datetime): value = value.isoformat() elif isinstance(value, (int, long)) and not isinstance(value, bool): # Try to parse timestamp in seconds, millisecons and microseconds for timestamp in (value, value / 1000, value / 1000000): try: value = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat() except ValueError: pass else: break elif isinstance(value, basestring): # Parse datetime string and re-format it as an ISO string try: value = dateutil.parser.parse(value).isoformat() except (TypeError, ValueError): # Ignore parsing errors and log warning below value = None # Return None by default if no ISO string could be generated if not isinstance(value, str): logger.warning('Invalid datetime value: %s', original_value) return None return value
[docs]class TypeCoercionMixin(object): """A mixin to transform database values. This is useful to get safe values from sqlalchemy when data types are not very well defined in SQLite. """ # Column type coercions to avoid errors when getting values of a different # type due to sqlite's flexibility in that regard COERCIONS = { # This is because NUMERIC type affinity in SQLite can use any # storage class, so the safer option is to cast it to a string NUMERIC: TEXT, # Translate the 'null' string to None to avoid indexing failures BOOLEAN: IntegerDecorator, INTEGER: IntegerDecorator, BIGINT: IntegerDecorator, SMALLINT: IntegerDecorator, # Translate integer timestamps to ISO formatted strings DATE: DatetimeDecorator, DATETIME: DatetimeDecorator, TIMESTAMP: DatetimeDecorator, } def _coerce_column_type(self, column): """Coerce some column type. :param column: Column to examine :type column: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column :return: Coerced column (if needed) :rtype: sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label | sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column """ for from_type, to_type in self.COERCIONS.iteritems(): if isinstance(column.type, from_type): # Preserve column name despite of the type coercion return type_coerce(column, to_type).label( # Don't coerce values if not really needed return column def _coerce(self, columns): """Coerce multiple columns types. This is useful to use in select queries to make sure all columns will return safe values. :param columns: Columns to examine :type column: list(sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column) :return: Coerced columns (if needed) :rtype: list( sqlalchemy.sql.elements.Label | sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column) """ return [self._coerce_column_type(column) for column in columns]
[docs]class TableReader(TypeCoercionMixin): """Iterate over all rows easily. :param database: Database being explored :type database: esis.db.Database :param table: Database table :type table: sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Table """ def __init__(self, database, table_name): """Initialize reader object.""" self.database = database self.table = database[table_name] # Filter out columns that are not going to be indexed # - BLOB: more investigation needed on how that works with # elasticsearch ignored_column_names = [ for column in self.table.columns if isinstance(column.type, BLOB) ] # Ignore '_id' column unless it has unique values # This is because '_id' is used by elasticsearch and using the same # one in multiple documents will result in those being overwritten if '_id' in ( for column in self.table.columns): query = select([self.table.c['_id']]).count() row_count = self.database.connection.execute(query).scalar() distinct_query = ( select([self.table.c['_id']]).distinct().count()) distinct_row_count = ( self.database.connection.execute(distinct_query).scalar()) if row_count != distinct_row_count: ignored_column_names.append('_id') if len(ignored_column_names) > 0: logger.debug( '%d columns ignored: %s', len(ignored_column_names), ', '.join(sorted(ignored_column_names))) ignored_column_names = set(ignored_column_names) self.columns = [ column for column in self.table.columns if not in ignored_column_names ] logger.debug( '%d columns found: %s', len(self.columns), ', '.join( for column in self.columns))
[docs] def get_schema(self): """Return table schema. :return: Column names and their type :rtype: dict(str, sqlalchemy.types.*) """ return { column.type for column in self.columns}
[docs] def rows(self): """Generator that traverses all rows in a table. :return: All rows in the table :rtype: generator(sqlalchemy.engine.result.RowProxy) """ if self.columns: query = select(self._coerce(self.columns)) result = self.database.connection.execute(query) rows = result.fetchall() logger.debug('%d rows found', len(rows)) for row in rows: yield row